Established Network of influential 5000 + industrialists, Entrepreneurs, academicians, researchers, scientist from all across Maharashtra who are involved in employment generation & socioeconomically development of region . Worked enthusiastically & created industry cell from concept to commissioning by travelling across Maharashtra with in period of 8th month time after becoming President of Maharashtra Pradesh Congress –Industry Cell .


Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee – Industry Cell is a premier body of entrepreneurs from all across Maharashtra established with a mission to facilitate rapid industrialisation and balanced economic development of Maharashtra region.


Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee-Industry Cell is a movement of entrepreneurs with congress ideology who work with industry led growth approach with vision to provide platform for business community to guide policy directions to Government of Maharashtra on various issues related to trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, employment generation & economic development of the region.


The Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee-Industry cell is a group of entrepreneurs from all across Maharashtra who are an economic & knowledgeable think tank from business & industry. The premier organization of congress is working hard for the promotion and development of industry in the region, with the sole objective of achieving growth & rapid industrialization with employment generation in all part of Maharashtra.


Towards the promotion and harnessing of balanced development of the MPCC.

Industry Cell tirelessly encourages entrepreneurial spirit through its efforts which include series of lectures at different colleges of Maharashtra with initiative-"YES… I am an Entrepreneur!"

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